Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A bit of a change ...

Autumn and night time, especially when the temperature cools offers some interesting possibilites with the camera.  I've often been quite taken with the way the street lights make shadows on the silver birch trees in my front yard so thought I'd try a few shots this evening.
It was really quite dark and so exposures were up at about 30 second with the ISO set at 800 and 1600.

Colours?  Ah, well, we've played with these a little.  The shots as imported off the camera were way to red.  The street light is a yellow colour and I think the auto white balance got a bit confused.  Anyway, let me know what you think.

The last shot in this post is of the grass under the tree.  I mentioned that the temperatures were falling and you can pick out the dew on the grass.  I quite liked the sparkles  in the water droplets and the somewhat abstract effect in a closeup shot of the grass stalks.


  1. Awesome shots, I love the shadows in the first two. The 3rd one is my favorite thought! Great idea and well executed.

  2. I luv all three photo's ,the lights,shadows are wonderful,thankyou.
